june, 2024
This is a repeating event28th april 2024 10:30 am5th september 2024 10:30 am
Event Details
Healing sound bath with John Hofton @ the Monastery, Manchester 2-hour extended session: Thu, 5th September, 2024 10.30am-12.30pm Join John Hofton for a special, extended healing sound bath here at the Monastery, Manchester.
Event Details
Healing sound bath with John Hofton @ the Monastery, Manchester
2-hour extended session: Thu, 5th September, 2024
Join John Hofton for a special, extended healing sound bath here at the Monastery, Manchester. For those of you wishing to lie down for the session, please bring a blanket.
Sound healing and relaxation
Sound healing is recognised as an aid to deep relaxation, increased energy flow and is a way to still the mind and feel more connected to your inner core.
John uses a wide selection of highly resonant sound healing instruments in these sessions: e.g. Tibetan singing bowls, traditional American Indian drone flute, Gemshorn, Dream Chau gong , Sacred Solfeggio tuning forks, Tubular bells and Quartz singing bowls.
This is a gentle, refined and subtle form of healing which works holistically – on mind, body and spirit.
Feel more relaxed, calmer, happier, more energised and in balance.
About John Hofton
John holds a Professional Sound Healer Practitioner Diploma from the Wheater Sound Academy. He is also a Master Practitioner of Urban Mysticism (awarded by The Awakening Network, Australia) and Reiki Master. John started running sound healing groups in the North West of England ten years ago. During lockdown he was a regular contributor to the Awakening Network weekly online meditation sessions.
John and Ana Borges Da Costa have been running Sacred Dance, Sacred Sound retreats at Trigonos, N. Wales for the past fifteen years and have been regular contributors to events at the Monastery, Manchester for many years.
“John has a warm, gentle, healing approach. I find inner peace in his sessions and always leave feeling lighter and freer.” Sue Pow
“John’s sound healing sessions are sublimely beautiful, where one is bathed in rich ethereal music which connects straight to the heart. I cannot praise John enough for the work that he does. It is indeed food for the Soul.” Paul Nicholson, BWY Yoga Teacher
“The relaxation is exquisite and almost impossible to explain. The captivating sounds that the instruments provide lull you into a perfect sense of just ‘being’.” Linda Cullen
Do I need any special clothes are equipment?
No, just wear loose, comfortable clothes that are comfortable to relax in.
Do I need to book?
Yes, booking is highly recommended as places are limited.
If you’re unable to book online for any reason, please email [email protected]
How much does it cost?
Tickets are £15 + booking fee.
Directions to the Monastery here.
(Thursday) 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
The Monastery Manchester
89, Gorton Lane