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Lucinda Drayton NEW Album Launch

The Monastery

august, 2022

sun07aug11:00 am4:00 pmLucinda Drayton NEW Album LaunchJoin us for the launch of 'Find Your Own Ground', Lucinda Drayton’s brilliant brand new album11:00 am - 4:00 pm

Event Details

Lucinda Is Back!

We’ve waited for over 2 years to welcome Lucinda back….. and The Monastery is so proud to have been chosen as the Northern venue for the launch of Find Your Own Ground, internationally renowned singer, songwriter and mediation teacher Lucinda Drayton’s brand new album, that has been in creation over the past two years.

Please join Lucinda & Marcus on Sunday 7th August for the album launch and share in a magical, immersive day of incredible music, soulful meditation, intimate conversation, dance and great company … with a deep dive into all that matters. We’ll share a wholesome vegan lunch and emerge from the experience with a renewed sense of love & gratitude for life. The perfect antidote to the difficult time we’ve all been through, these last couple of years.

In Lucinda’s own words:

Lockdown and the pandemic brought about immeasurable changes for all of us. Some lost loved ones, some their health. Others watched relationships die while some welcomed new ones much more quickly than they would have.

We collectively struggled with loneliness  isolation , job losses, death, identity crisis and a sudden movement of the very ground beneath our feet.

As a couple and creative partnership Marcus and myself also struggled with many of these issues, but we also re-structured our lives, decided to get married and created a brand new album dealing with the various challenges that came our way.

As a psychotherapist and meditator I quickly realised how important was to create an inner world that was unshakeable. I thought deeply about death, vulnerability, creativity, love and my role as a singer -songwriter. A mentor came into my life and inspired me

to start writing again.

I contacted some song- writers I admired and ask them to collaborate. Some said yes.

We met on zoom and co -wrote songs. They took me to different areas and an album emerged. Slowly and carefully.

It is deep and different and I hope it will invite the listener into different thought fields. I don’t have answers to all the questions I ask in the songs but I do know we are powerful beyond measure and with our minds and intentions we can create change for the better. WE can make our inner worlds beautiful peaceful places to be . WE can find our own, inner, safe ground.

Please join us at the Monastery on August 7th to share music and discussion, to dance together, to meditate together, to be together as fellow humans on this crazy journey we get to do. Let’s celebrate our potential!”

Doors open at 10am

Event runs from 11am until 4pm

Vegan lunch included

Ticket price £35  

To book tickets click here


(Sunday) 11:00 am - 4:00 pm


The Monastery Manchester

89, Gorton Lane

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